Interview With Zeng Moushui

Zeng Moushui discusses his family’s encounters with hostile Kuomintang forces circa 1949.

  • Name of interviewee:曾谋水

  • Interview by:陈秀芹、周伊萍

  • Proofreader:陈永明、陈乙燊

  • Summary (English):At the end of the Liberation War, the defeated KMT prepared to flee to Taiwan. As a result, the KMT blocked the waters near Xiamen Harbor, preventing fishermen from going fishing in the sea, and forcing them to carry the KMT soldiers to Taiwan. The respondent was taken away by the KMT army at that time. Most of fishermen did not want to go to Taiwan. Some fishermen fled. Others had to destroy their fishing boats on which they depended for survival and sunk the boats into the sea. After the founding of Socialist China, the life of the fishermen gradually improved due to the increasing needs of the CPC in the Cold War and the Communist Collectivization Period.


  • Keywords:国民党;解放战争;台湾;渔民;新中国;疍民

  • Biographical info:曾某水,男,1930年出生,出生后不就就卖给厦门港疍民曾连水为儿。十岁左右在日本人开办的“万全小学”读了三年书,后随父亲出海捕鱼。抗战胜利后,跟随父亲在往来于厦门-台湾的商船干杂活。新中国成立以后,在厦门港捕鱼。后从厦门二轻局退休。

  • Geographical info:大学轮配料馆曾丽英家、厦门港南大埕曾宝珠家

  • Time period:2014年1月、2月

  • Source:厦门市社会科学界联合会:《口述史:厦门港记忆》,厦门:鹭江出版社,2014年。




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